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An Amusement Park for Your Brain

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A Date with Destiny
(We are at an airport. Shuffling through her things, DESIREE drops her purse. It falls open, letting the wallet out. It opens and...

Remembering Winona (NSFW)
I may not look like much to you, But I’ll tell you somethin’, goddamn, it’s true. You call me low, say I ain’t got class, But I ate...

Student Voice & Chunking
I had one of my greatest successes ever in 2016 in the realm of writing. At my school 33% of my students have IEPs, and they have...

The Troll 8/8/18
Foul detritus and trash are his domain, With troves of shame and regret hidden well. He’ll drink his piss and brag that it’s champagne...

On Literacy: No Child Left Behind to Every Child Succeeds
On December 15, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law, replacing its predecessor, No Child...

The world doesn't need me. 10/26/17
If the man who sits behind this desk went missing, Another servant’s ass would fill the seat, Perhaps the ass of someone better equipped...

The Critic
He lights fires in other peoples’ lawns and can’t stand it when the smoke blows back in his face. His tongue is as eager to spit out...

Just Fine
At the cinema with friends, Excluding yourself of course, She had just as good a time As when she once went with you. At the party she...

All the world’s ghosts refused to leave this place And wander now in transience and dream, Existence a peripheral disgrace, A life...

Bert finished a fine meal in a windowless room. No music played, and he ate as quickly as he could. It was scallops, marinated in apple...
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