When deciding whether or not any nation could be called great, a careful examination of its wars can reveal quite a bit. Looking at what a nation fights for can tell you a lot about the aspirations of its people, whether these aspirations are lauded or not. Investigating the manner in which a nation’s wars are provoked can indicate much about its temperament, and consideration of how its wars are waged after provocation can tell a lot about its overall character. With these factors in mind, it can be safely stated that America is not the great nation it pretends to be. It loves war like teenaged boys love discovering Internet porn.
Greed is the highest aspiration of the United States. Sure, people delight in saying it’s a Christian nation, but really, if it was, truth to be told, it would be a socialist nation too, without poverty, because people would be giving of themselves unreservedly and unconditionally the way Jesus did, without a death penalty, because Jesus wasn’t into that shit (in fact, he died because of it; innocent man on death row and all), and an ass load of loving the enemy, rather than killing the enemy … and his children … with drones. No. Ever since Alexander Hamilton suggested that freedom meant the unbridled acquisition of wealth, the real worship in America has ever been expressed in banks, businesses and stock exchanges the world over. As the ticker tapes roll on, like so much of Satan’s own vomit, the supplicants to the true god of America wax their own meat poles, spewing their cock vomit all over the people they’ve bribed, blackmailed, extorted and enslaved, in order to carve out the biggest chunk of turf they can in this ant farm Earth. For an hour or two each Sunday, they may clean up real nice and quote scripture, but the rest of the time, they’re greasing their tender-fingered fists for a Caligula-style fuck of every man, woman and child they can bleed dry to come out richer than the rest. It’s always been this way too.
The very Revolution Americans fought, enshrined in modern times with dreamy idealism, was fought because the colonists, mostly the wealthy, didn’t want to pay new taxes levied by Great Britain, to defray the costs of defending the territories in the French-Indian War. It was a 3% tax on tea, for Christ’s sake, on people in that industry Compared to the income tax now levied by Congress, these taxes were a pittance, but the colonists would have none of it, so war ensued. People didn’t want to pay their fair share for the commonwealth back then, and they don’t now, our modern nation now full of corporate tax dodgers and generational welfare recipient, leaving the burden of national support upon a very downtrodden middle class. The Mexican-American war was nothing more than an avaricious land grab by then president, James Polk. More territory meant more mining, more farming, more ranches and more commerce, particularly controlling both the east and west coasts of the entire continent. Mexico never threatened to attack the U.S., and it never had the means, but lies were told, nationally sold, and then we went for Mexico’s gold, not unlike our involvement in the Second Gulf War, invading Iraq for virtually the same reasons.
For all of America’s talk about being the most morally superior country in the world, its actions speak louder than its redundant rhetoric. When Bradley Manning (now Chelsea Manning) exposed the murder of unarmed civilians by helicopter attack in Iraq, it was but a small example of the horrors our nation has visited upon innocent noncombatants worldwide. Our security, it seems, depends upon the slaughter of children by our drones, the torture of prisoners, robbed of their 4th Amendment rights, in secret prisons at home and abroad, the unbridled warrantless surveillance of everybody in the world, including foreign governments and the punishment of anybody who exposes these crimes to the public. We haven’t changed much from the days when we initiated cavalry charges against Native Americans, infecting their blankets with small pox, and burning down whole villages, robbing these people of their land and the freedoms. We haven’t evolved much from the dark days during the War of 1812, when we demolished conventional, honorable warfare becoming the first country in the conflict to make intentional casualties of civilians.
The United States of America talks the talk of freedom, justice and compassion, but it never has walked the walk. Go ahead, read about these wars, watch some documentaries, and forget the flag waving. Simply based upon the wars the United States has fought, from its very foundation to today, we are definitely not a great nation. To be fair, however, the U.S. turns out to be no different than any other nation on the planet. There’s blood on the hands of every civilization that was ever birthed. It would be fantastic if the United States could actually live up to its initial promises of justice, freedom and equality, but the country turns out to be just another savage predator in a jungle of greed and aggression. That being the case, the least the United States of America could do is stop talking about American Exceptionalism, the way it did about Manifest Destiny, stop bragging about our moral superiority and lying about freedoms we don’t really enjoy and just be honest with itself and the world. We want what we want when we want it, and we’ll do whatever we have to do to get it, unrighteous devils that we are.