Third down on my list,
Do you think it’s a tabernacle containing the sacred wafer?
Do you think it’s a swimming pool at the Hearst mansion?
That it’s the destination a man can get to,
Guided by the Copper Scroll of Khirbet Qumran?
Do you?
Page bottom footnote,
Do you think it earns you Olympic gold?
Do you think it’s the Holy Grail?
That it is the mystical sheath to the ancient Kusanagi Sword?
Do you?
At best,
If it’s a wafer, it’s a Nilla wafer.
If it’s a pool, it’s a hot tub at an apartment complex.
If it’s a buried treasure, it’s a silver dollar in a park.
At best,
If it’s a gold medal, it’s the Special Olympics.
If it’s a vessel, it’s a Dixie Cup.
If it’s a sheath, it’s contained many uncelebrated blades.
You’re deceived perhaps,
Because I and others
Have treated you like a queen,
But perhaps you haven’t heard the old adage.