My Joke
Lucid, anxious,
Disquieted, subdued.
Volcanic heart.
Gentle flowing river.
Ice that thaws.
Sunlight drowned by dusk.
A fantasy of malice,
A mission of mercy.
The cookie jar
Is full of dreams
They said would die
One day
“When you are older”…
After capitulation
And taking the road
Commonly traveled.
I’ve loved the paths
That are not paths.
You false Christs,
You lying Buddhas,
You lunatic Mohammeds,
I transcend you.
In sin, I kiss god on the lips,
And in piety,
I fuck the cloistered brides of dogma up the ass.
I am the unrecognized bodhisattva,
The uncanonized pope,
The prophet who tells dirty jokes.
I am the venerable shaman,
Darth Veda,
And I moon you
With God’s true love.
I’d ask for a seat at the table,
But long having abandoned hope
Of being invited,
I come to crash the party.
I practically invented
The awkward silence.
My joke is always on you.